Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Got a question about SKGC? See if the answer is here....
Do I need a handicap to join SKGC?
You do NOT need to have an official handicap. You simply need to submit 3 'qualifying cards' - marked by a member - and your internationally recognised handicap will be created.
How much does it cost to join SKGC?
Annual subscriptions are currently £120 per year, with reduced rate for seniors. If you join part way through the year, the subs will be reduced pro-rata. Your subscription entitles you to play in all SKGC competitons and gives you reduced green fees when playing in the two 'majors' every month.
What competitons are offered at SKGC?
- Two or more 'major' competitions each month (one in December)
- Monthly Medal and Stableford competitions
- Matchplay Singles and Doubles events
- Inter-club matches
- Family/Fun Mixed Pairs 9-hole competitions (non-golfer does the putting)
- Order of Merit
- Saturday morning 'swindle'
How do I join SKGC?
You can submit an application via email using the membership form available on this website or contact the Secretary, Frank King, or speak to a staff member at DVGC and you'll be pointed in our direction. It is a quick and simple process eg no interviews or lengthy form-filling.
How do I play in the monthly Medal and Stableford competitions?
You have to wrie your name in the Monthly Medal and Stableford book - on the table in the changing room lobby - before you go out and play your round. The first half of the month is the Medal and the second half of the month is the Stableford. There are monetary prizes for the winner and runner-up (subject to minimum number of entrants).
What is the 'Twos Sweep'?
In every 'major' competition you can pay £2 in the Pro Shop before your round and the player with the lowest gross score on any hole wins the pot of money. This is usually a 2 and the pot will be shared between those players scoring a 2. Watch out, though, if you get a hole-in-one as the pot may not cover your bar bill. We have also introduced a nearest-the-pin on two of the par 3's in every major competition - another £2 to enter. The winner of each nearest-the-pin gets 25% the pot, with the remaining 50% going into club funds.